
Loving Nesting In The Winter...

The truth is I used to dread the onset of the winter months. The last few years however, I have come to love them almost more than summer time, which has always been my absolute favorite season. I honestly don't know what brought on such a change, but I'm guessing it has something to do with having a little one again. He becomes so excited about the snow and the winter holiday's that it is contagious! Not to mention the fact that we have more time for our crafting and artistic endeavors. Oh, and the baking and cooking...always more fun in cooler weather...

The recipe below is one my mom made when I was a little girl, and I have been making it for the last 27 years. It is a very "Simple Potato and Onion Soup", which is absolutely delicious. Hope you will try it out and let me know what you think...

Peel and cut into 3/4" cubes 4 large russet potatoes, as well as peel and dice 2 medium onions.

Place the potato and onion along with a stick of butter or margerine, and 8 cups of water in a 5 to 7 qt. soup pot with lid. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook until potatoes are done through and starting to get soft enough that they are getting a bit smaller than they started out.

At this point add 4 cups of whole milk to the soup pot, then in a small bowl measure out 1/4 cup of white corn meal (not yellow it is too sweet), to the cornmeal add about a cup of the hot broth from the soup pot, and whisk until all lumps are gone. Add this corn meal paste to the soup and stir thoroughly to incorporate. Next add the second stick of butter or margerine, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Turn heat down to a simmer and let cook for about 5 minutes with lid on, but do not bring to a boil again. Remove from heat.

The finished soup will have smaller chunks of potato, the onion will have cooked down a bit too, and the soup will be thicker, but not thick just kind of creamy. There are approximately 10 servings. Enjoy!

I have loved this soup my entire life and it is a very budget friendly recipe.


Barb said...

I love how this soup looks! Do you think I would be able to use soy milk in this? Soy milk is much thinner than whole milk, so I don't know if I would get the same consistency. Very nice pictures!

simplybysandi said...

The consistency comes from the cornmeal. So I would definitely try the soy milk. I have made it with fat free milk which is very thin and it was fine.