
To the Scrap Pile...

Well, I am scrapping the essay I wrote. After class Thursday evening I decided to take it in a different direction. My brain is doing loop de loops! I have so many topics I want to write about, but I can't seem to collect my thoughts on anything specific. I need to get them out of my head, onto paper or computer, then I will be able to focus on one idea at a time, enough to actually write something! I am a total procrastinator, and it's got to stop. I love writing. I love reading about writing. I love talking about writing. I love listening to others talk about their writing. It goes on and on...but I need to be disciplined with my writing time and devote a specific time frame to just writing. Everyday. No surfing the internet, no talking on the phone, no sitting in front of the television, set my alarm and get up in the morning. These crucial adjustments are desperately needed, or nothing will take place on the blank page (or screen) that sits before me.

A cluttered mind definitely makes for a tough road to writing...

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