
Put Away for Safe Keeping...

Have you ever put something away in a specific spot for safe keeping, and then when you need it you cannot find it? I have (I use the word "have" loosely) a file folder full of poems, essays, and other pieces I have written over the last 11 years, and I am unable to lay my hands on it. Over the last few years I have come across it several times and always put it away so I wouldn't misplace it. Ha! A lot of good that did me...it's been misplaced. My house is not that big and I have turned it upside down looking for my folder of written work. I am just hoping that the last time I ran across it I didn't toss it out in frustration while decluttering my home. Some of my best writing, I am eager to find it. Wherever it may be, it definitely is safe...safe from me...

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