
A Bit Of Summer...

Every year I think things will slow down once school is out for the summer...that is simply not the case...EVER! I always forget about swimteam, practices every day, with swimmeets on Saturdays. It is busier than ever! We love it though. This year it has been amazing to see how far the little guy has come with his swimming. He has been on the swimteam since he was 4 (the kids have to be able to swim the length of the pool without stopping, touching bottom, or hanging onto the lane ropes), and has made a tremendous improvement. The first meet this summer he placed for the first time ever...not only did he place, he placed 1st in two events-breaststroke and mixed relay, and 2nd in two events-freestyle and backstroke. He was so excited to do so well in breaststroke...that was his big brothers stroke when he swam, and he thinks his big brother is the "be all and end all". So sweet.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandi. I actually ran across your post on another site and you told your story and I related so much to it. I felt like I finally found someone I can relate too. I felt compelled to write to you and post on a blog for the first time ever.

Heres my story. I had my first son at 17 with the love of my life i met when i was 15 and he was 20. Despite our parents and families objections we got married. Our son has been the greatest gift. He made us grow up really fast and despite all the challenges we made our little family work. My husband and I graduated college and made sure our son didnt suffer because his parents were so young. This meant any plans for babies was put on hold. My son turned out to be a well adjusted kid and fast forward 17 years and we welcomed a new baby 5 months ago. The timing seemed right for us. My son got accepted into college and we felt well enough emotionally and financially for kid #2.
I thought this is our chance to have a baby without all the.contraversy.
But I was wrong. Our.decision has been met with a lot.of criticism and i cant help but feel sad about people not being happy for us. I get asked a lot of personal questions like if the baby a surprise .and no he was planned. Why would I want to start over when I was done,.and I think when do you really stop being mom just because your kids are 18. If my husband is my second, and no we have been together since we were teenagers and.still very much in love.
I guess my question is, my really long post sorry, how have you dealt with this. Maybe its pospartum blues, but I have found myself really sad about peoples reactions. So much so, thay i am starting to doubt i made the best decision and i hate feeling like this.
I felt compellef.to write when i saw the pic of your two boys. It..brought tears to.my eyes honestly. I hope those are my two boys one day.
Would.love to chat with via email. Its nice.go know I am not the only ”crazy” person, or so I have been called :-)

simplybysandi said...

Hi Anonymous, I am replying back to you on January 12th, 2014. I only just saw your comment a few months ago and thought I had replied, but I don't see it on here. I would love to chat via email so if you can email me at simplybysandi@hotmail.com I will check there until I hear back from you and give you my email address that I use most often. I haven't been posting on this blog as you can see until the last few days...life gets a little overwhelming sometimes (who am I kidding...most of the time it is! LOL), and I don't put as much time in as I would like on my writing and creative endevors. I look forward to hearing from you. There is much to talk about on this subject. I could write a book! Hey now there's a thought...