
Better to Have a Hard Time than No Time...

Okay. It's been a week since we moved my oldest off to college, and I am still alive. We do miss him terribly, but have talked to him daily. We didn't call today. I thought I would give him a chance to call us. Of course, there was no call because I am sure he is thoroughly enjoying being on his own. That's okay because I know we did a good job of raising him to be an independent, strong and self reliant person. So Yay!

Our little guy however has had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to his big brother being gone. The university is 2 1/2 hours away. When we were driving back home last Saturday, he cried and sobbed, and sobbed and cried, the whole drive back! It was heart breaking...I didn't think he would take it so hard. It was an adventure until it came time to leave and he realized his brother wasn't coming back home with us. Honestly, we did not keep it a secret that we were moving him away to college. I know he is 5 but I thought he knew what we were talking about.

Him and I had a very busy day at home today. Homemade scones turned into a full fledged tea with mix matched china, the scones with butter and strawberry jam, a nice pot of tea, and strawberries with whipped cream. All very delicious! After our impromtu tea he headed out with his dad to play in the beautiful snow we got yesterday. All in all it was a very relaxing and very happy day.

My decision to "love the moment" has been serving me well. I am less stressed over things that I normally would fret about. I even had a laugh at work the other day over a moment that normally would have been very infuriating to me. I just keep my new mantra of "love the moment" in the forefront of my mind. I heard my dad say something to a customer on the phone and it was like a lightbulb moment to me...he was listening to a customer complain about how hard he had had it lately and his response to him was, "better to have a hard time than no time". I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it! This is so true...

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