People amaze me...the ones who get their feelings hurt, because they are not actually listening to what you may be saying. It's all about them all the time. You know the ones you regret having asked the question, "How are you today?" Because the answer is never positive like "good", or "fine", or "fantastic", or whatever positive feeling most people experience at least once in a while. Instead the answer is always something negative. The ones who say whatever they want, to whoever they want, regardless of whether it may hurt another persons feelings, or offend them in some way. Be it small or large it doesn't is still very rude.
You feel bad after being around leave with this feeling of wanting to call the most positive people you know so you can be recharged with optimism. The longer I live the more I realize how important it is to be a person whom people leave feeling they are better for having been around they matter...they feel encouraged.
So, please always be the kind of person who inspires others to be kind but if you can't then don't say anything...silence is better than negativity...
A few things I feel good about...
Flowers for no reason except "just because" from my little guy...

Yummy and crunchy cinnamon toast hot from the oven...should really be called candy toast...

The busiest and most loving little fella I know...

The most intuitive and philosophical person I know...

And the best big brother ever...

The best husband and daddy none!

Now after all the gushing I just did all over my computer screen...I am off to prepare for a yard sale and lemonade stand here tomorrow...
Have a spectacular weekend...try to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about them (and yourself too of course)...